Summary of my training period
My training course concludes my two years of studies at the IUT of Cergy-Pontoise.
I made my ten-week training course at the College of Shawinigan, it is a city in Quebec, near Trois-Rivières. More exactly, I made my project at the College’s electronic service. This service is composed of five teachers and one technician.
My work was to design an automatic system that mesures automatically the antenna’s caracteristics. The measurement system is already there but we have to move manually the antenna and write each result of measures on a specific sheet.
Thus, I had to make the antenna turn automatically and save each measure in a text file. This system will be used in an experimentation, to learn the telecommunication students, how the design of antenna can change its directivity.
During my training time in Quebec, I discovered a new culture, some new expressions and some very interesting people. I found this experience very interesting and it changed my fashion of seeing the world.